09. Quiz: Self JOINs

Self JOINs

One of the most common use cases for self JOINs is in cases where two events occurred, one after another. As you may have noticed in the previous video, using inequalities in conjunction with self JOINs is common.

Modify the query from the previous video, which is pre-populated in the SQL Explorer below, to perform the same interval analysis except for the web_events table. Also:

  • change the interval to 1 day to find those web events that occurred after, but not more than 1 day after, another web event
  • add a column for the channel variable in both instances of the table in your query

You can find more on the types of INTERVALS (and other date related functionality) in the Postgres documentation here.

SELECT o1.id AS o1_id,
       o1.account_id AS o1_account_id,
       o1.occurred_at AS o1_occurred_at,
       o2.id AS o2_id,
       o2.account_id AS o2_account_id,
       o2.occurred_at AS o2_occurred_at
  FROM orders o1
 LEFT JOIN orders o2
   ON o1.account_id = o2.account_id
  AND o2.occurred_at > o1.occurred_at
  AND o2.occurred_at <= o1.occurred_at + INTERVAL '28 days'
ORDER BY o1.account_id, o1.occurred_at


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